Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Back again :) I would catch up but my face is glued to the TV right now. I don't like a lot of television but I am hooked on Scandal right now! This is a really good show. My mom suggested that I watch it after she watched the entire first season in ONE day. I decided to watch after seeing Kerry Washington and .....COLUMBUS SHORT!! Yup judging books by their covers. Oh and I just saw an episode with Brenda Song (Suite Life, Disney). Anyway more later, I'm missing the show =P.... ♥♥♥

Monday, June 13, 2011

Annnnnd We're Back...

Okay so I two strand twisted my hair FOUR days ago. This morning before I got the kids ready for school, I decided to take them out....FAIL. This was the worst twist out EVER!! I mean, even when I put on a headband it was still bad. The only way to save it is to wash it out lol. However, I think I may do my first wash n go today. Just a couple of minutes ago I drenched a section of my hair, applied Kinky Curly Knot Today, then some Eco Styler Gel with olive oil ( I will purchase some Kinky Curly Custard soon, you know, when I'm rich and ballin'! Budgets people, they are REAL!! lol ) So far it's looking okay. I was nervous because my hair only curls below my temples ( if that makes any sense) the top just waves. I'll have to post pictures in a few...


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Waiting Game pt.2


okay so I two strand twisted my hair yesterday. I really want to take them down so that they can stretch out some. First day styles are always too tight for me. I think next time i'll just stretch my hair 1st, then twist it. Or blow dry it on cool. IDK I need a little help :(


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chrisette Michele...

Hi you guys♥

Epiphany time!! This usually happens when i'm cleaning. I have one or two a week, saying that, please excuse my mess if visiting :) Now what is the epiphany that I had? Well while watching my most recent favorite channel, ♥HGTV♥ and rearranging furniture, I started thinking 'Man, I wish I could get a surprise visit from HGTV. Or better yet if I win the lottery I could afford to do it myself ' Then i thought, while watching my favorite show, extreme couponing, if i could just get one of those people to show me how to coupon I would be able to help people who are hungry and can't afford food for their family or themselves. Or I would be able to send care packages to the people who help to protect our country. Because seriously I do not want to do that job, so why not find a way to help out the people who chose to go fight and protect my family, friends, and neighbors. I have military family and I would want someone to do something nice for them. Oh, back to the epiphany, soooo it just popped in my head, instead of wishing and hoping something good will happen to me GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! So I have made a list (ok, fine after I finish typing this i'll make a list) of  5 things that I want to make happen by the end of July. I don't want to say exactly what they are at this moment but I will post after I complete each task. This should be FUN :-)


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Night

Hi you guys♥

Man it's been a while since the last time I've written anything. A lot of stuff has been going on lately. I'm gonna have to leave it as "stuff" right now. Anyways it's Sunday, nothing really on tv. Well at least i don't think so. I don't really watch tv that much. I'm actually watching Kourtney and Kim take New York.... ugh, have to go. Will finish later though..